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The Season of Self-Care

self care Jan 08, 2021

This is the season for Self Care!

At the start of the year, everyone is invigorated and looking for new ways to be. In this new be-coming... attention is brought unto the self, and comparing, contrasting, and creating new ways to be. 

But what exactly is Self-Care. Self-care is a term thrown around a lot, but experts say it’s often misunderstood. Self-care is about forming healthy habits, not simply “improving” or “treating” yourself. Self-Care refuels us, and it isn’t a selfish act either. It is a necessary act of creating new patterns in our lives that help to improve our everyday emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual balance. 

As this season of self care begin, I wanted to share my self care STRATEGIES AND THE MANY WAYS THAT i SHOW MYSELF LOVE.

 Firstly where do we begin? The first thing we need to do is look at our lives and see where we can give ourselves more love, be gentler and kinder to ourselves, and where have we fallen short on ourselves.

Are we stressed out by work on a consistent bases? Have we noticed that our eating habits have caused us to gain unnecessary weight? Are we exhausted from being the caretaker to spouses, children, elder parents, friends or other family members?

Remove the stress and make a commitment to taking care of yourself first. Pay yourself First, a concept taught in my abundance mindset program, is essential to creating peace around your money. Love Yourself first is important so that you have enough energy and focus to take care of others without operating in an energy deficit which can lead to fatigue stress and dis-ease. 

Taking time out to consciously love yourself is important. That love for self looks different for everyone. I teach self love and offer a self love kit to help you create and environment of self attunement that we all need.


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