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Reunited and It Feels so Good😂❤️

astrology love new year relationships retrograde venus well being Dec 17, 2021

Love and Life stories from Venus Retrograde.

Venus rolled into retrograde on December 19, 2021, and boy did the love bombs go off. There were so many Christmas wedding proposals on my timelines that I couldn't count them. And to that, multiple family, clients and friends sharing stories of old lovers coming back onto the scene, some face to face, some online, and some through our dreams.
Venus is in retrograde and remaining there in the sign of Saturn ruled Capricorn until January 29, 2022. All of this is to stir your heart strings and get us to tune into the wisdom of our hearts to create a revolution within us so we can level up our relationships; both personal and professional.
Afterall, relationships are only reflections of ourselves. So as Venus retrogrades through the sign of Capricorn this year, let us restructure how we look at all things beauty love and money. You may find yourself revisiting old friends and loved ones. Past partners may resurface for you to review the meanings of the connects. If you are in a committed relationship, you and your partner may find yourselves battling with old issues as they come up for review to bring back the balance and harmony in your relationship. For some this time will mark amicable and not so amicable breakups. Lisa Monet and Jason Momoa just announces their split up after 4 years.
You also may find yourself looking at daily routines. You may be evaluating where you can make changes to your homelife. You may redecorate, or relocate, or rebrand your business or lifestyle.

You might also find yourself doing introspective work, looking at truths within you about how you really feel about things. By honoring this time, once Venus retrograde is over you can make some significate changes that will bring you peace, love and beauty back into your space. And who else better to reconnect with than yourself. Reunited and it feels amazing!


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