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Fullmoon in Scorpio

May 10, 2022

Hey Goddesses!

Happy Full moon in Scorpio, Lunar Eclipse in Gemini/Taurus and Mercury Retrograde!

Whew, that was a mouthful, but we have a lot of energy coming to us during this time. Let's start with the full moon in Scorpio.

Fullmoon V in Scorpio 9:14 pm PDT

The Knowledge
Full moons traditionally bring us the energy of completion. This can include completion in your healing, reaping the benefits of a wish fulfillment, gaining prosperity, receiving love and/ or coming full circle within your Spiritual Work.

The Scorpio Full moon turns us inward, we may need privacy, or to be alone. We may get moody, as we seek clarity and focus. This Full moon brings us into a deeper relationship with the birth, death, rebirth cycle. Every day there is an ending and a beginning, as the Sun Rises and sets, one day begins and another ends. Each breath is also a reflection of the death and rebirth cycle in a very locomotive way. Without this constant cycle, life ceases. This is very interesting and humbling, as life without change brings stagnation, decay, and death. This is the place in our lives ruled by Scorpio.

When most people think about Scorpios they think of sex, that is because this sign also rules the Gentelia. Interestingly enough, that area is bordered next to our place of defecationšŸ’©. Yeah, I know! I know, you want to know how this moon, eclipse and mercury retrograde are going to show up in your life, not about defecation. But that's exactly what this time is about...letting shit go. 

The Work
Take a look to into your natal chart. Where is Scorpio? What house is it in? What does that house represent? That may be where you will need to review and analyze what is not working and what should be reviewed, released, or rebirthed. 

Often where we are stopping ourselves from living the lives we really want, we are doing it in the small day to day habits. This Scorpionic moon invites us to shift, transform, update and renovate. That may be our routines, our habits and our thoughts and where and how we spend our time and energy.

The moon’s energy is connected to our emotions. This time of the moon cycle can feel overwhelming, especially facing yourself and what isn't working for you. And then on top of that trying to figure out what to do about it.

To prevent you from feeling too overwhelmed, get grounded, go outside walk barefoot on the ground, sit under or hug a tree. You can also do grounding yoga poses, take a walk, take deep breaths, and get present. And be sure to give thanks for the things that you are grateful for in your life. 

In addition to this Scorpionic energy causing us to transform a particular space in our lives. We also have the Lunar Eclipse. (Again check your natal chart to see where Scorpio falls and for more advanced students, check out your progressed chart as well and compare to go even deeper to see what you have worked on and where you still need to transform.) 


Total Lunar Eclipse 09:11pm PDT

The Knowledge
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves into the Earth's shadow. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are exactly or very-very closely aligned with Earth between the other two, and only on the night of a full moon. The spring 2022 eclipses are in the signs of Taurus and Scorpio—two opposing signs. The North Node is in Taurus, representing what we’re manifesting, while the South Node is in Scorpio, representing what we need to transcend to get to the big picture. This eclipse is likely to present a blockage that you’ve been holding onto for too long—in fact, it could even be blocking the things you were trying to manifest on Taurus new moon that was on April 30. This eclipse can produce some larger-than-life feelings, so be gentle with yourself and others, as you never know what people are going through. 

The Work
Use this new information that the Scorpio full lunar eclipse has revealed and let go or transform whatever is blocking you from having the life that you are meant to live.


Mercury in Retrograde

The Knowledge
When Mercury, the planet that rules communication, transportation, and technology, appears to move backwards from our vantage point on Earth, it is said to be in retrograde. At this time we are often shifted off of our normal daily grind in order to reflect, revise, and release.

Flight delays, your laptop loses all your files, car suddenly needs repair, or an ex you haven't talked to in years texts out of nowhere, you might joke that Mercury it must be because of the retrograde. Mercury retrograde happens every three or four months for a total of three or four times a year for about three weeks at a time. 

Mercury is retrograde at this time from May 10, 2022, at 4 ° Gemini 52′, until June 3, 2022, at 26 ° Taurus 05′. While Mercury begins its retrograde in the sign of Gemini, it returns to Taurus on May 22nd.

The Work
While Mercury is retrograde, we may be rethinking or redoing a previous opinion or idea. Looking to the signs and houses it transits can give clues as to where in our lives we may be reconsidering things. Mercury is in Gemini and Taurus this time, so we’re reviewing our projects, personal interests, communication systems, studies, finances, and systems of comfort and security in those house. Don't be surprised when hiccups happen.

Just remember that the universe isn't against you, this is just the opportunity to shift in an area that needs revamping whether you are aware of the need for change or not. Look at your chart to see when Gemini and Taurus are to make changes in your life right now that are in alignment, ripe and ready for your new approach. #createyourlife #knowthyself

I hope this helps.

Be Gentle on yourself,



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