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Called to be Greater

domestic violence love relationship. honest communication spiritual ascension Aug 04, 2020

Hey There


Thank for reading this today. Its my first blog entry. I am excited to share my present status here on my journey. Ive been a teacher, healer, goddess Sister for some time now. And thought that i had arrived at some spiritual position. I had thought that i had it figured out. As above so below, and what goes around comes around, the law of Karma, or Correspondance. I knew that i had a better understanding of the universal principles than most and lived my life accordingly. 

What i didnt know is that the universe was proud of me, so proud of me that i had to enter into the greatest test of my life. A Relationship!!! Ahhh!! Who needs those? I was a mover and a shaker, building finacial system, teams and excellerating through yet another corporate structure finding success fun, travel, new friends new relationships and a new life. Just when it was all going great i wbegin to want a partner. JKust like all the other successful teams. two was better than one. Success came in pairs. So i manifested a partner. Not knowing at the time that this partner was a karmic partner sent to scrape, shape, mold and shift me into a greater me.

He came packaged handsome, charming, succesful, cultured, hood and class, spiritually awake and a huge sexual appetite to meet mine. He appeared just after a break up with my childhood sweetheart. A magical union that had hit a brick wall. He showed interest, compassion, and general concern for my well being. Each day digging closer into my inner circle eventually pulling me into his world where we shared everything from God and the universe to our love for helping others. We were mirrors of eachother. Both in Darkness and Light. during our trist, he noticed a hook as hed call it, but i know it to be a cord. A cord into my heart and soul. This cord belonged to my childhood sweetheart. Undeniably i thought that i could be honest about it and it wouldnt affect our union. But i was wring. It was a cnstant sore for him. He became obsessed with it. Although he cheated several times, he alwasy blamed the cord for his reasons why. I did everything that I could to show him that my ex wasnt a threat, including a 45 min call to my ex discussing my new relationsip and my intention to disconnect from him to support my union with my new Boo. Nothing mattered, it was always a wedge that we both tried to ignore. With the ghosts of women, and the cord from my past. The union ended with my tragic beating with left me with a compressed spine and nerve damage to me right side. A very strong and violent ushering into the fullness of me.

Im grateful for this experience. Although tragic ending and beginning I wouldnt change it for a thing in the world! 

So welcome to the fullness of me. Which I intend on sharing with you on a regualr basis.



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