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Embrace the Abundant Life

abundance alternative health chakra clearing coaching emotional clearing emotional health happiness healthy lifestyle joy life lessons live well mindset organized thoughts rebirth responsible think well transformation wellness Apr 08, 2021

What is Abundance

...having lots of money? Well that's one way of looking at it. 

Abundance in its purest form, is expressed through nature. Have you ever counted blades of grass? :-)

Now that's abundance!!

Your Life is abundant. 

My Life is abundant. 

There are many facets to human personalities and experiences. Personalities are abundant. Experiences are abundant. There is NO LACK. I repeat, There is NO LACK. The concept of not enough was given to us by those who wish to control the abundances all around us.

My Life echoes back to me; my beliefs, my thoughts, and my perception. So I control almost every facet of who I am and how I show up in the world. And so do you. 

We can chose to create healthy habits, have healthy thoughts and do good things for our bodies with those thoughts beliefs and habits. Or we can chose to mishandle the vessel we're housed in and live a life of worry, fear, sickness, dis-ease and premature aging and death. 

I don't suppose that you know anyone who seems to go through life blaming others for their short comings. All the while suffering in repeating patterns of things that they have said that they don't want in their life.

I know that I was on that merry go round a time or two. But then I realized that I can live differently. By making changes in the ways that I was thinking about things.

I began to understand that I can consciously and purposefully think good thoughts about how I want my life to manifest. Then, follow those good thoughts with right actions.

These thoughts are abundant thoughts, and I can create abundance with my mindset. And so can you.

I can feel good about myself, and what I know I'm here on earth to do and stand and operate on what I am as an individual and my place or role in the collective.

We all think before we become. Either positive or negative, it all starts with our thoughts. We must throw away the idea that we are not in control of what happens in life. Because we are all creating the future in this moment. We are responsible for what's going on around us.

You say...what about the bad things..

I say...Trauma and tragedy are necessary in our lives. These moments define where everything crumbles and is destroyed so that we can make room to create something new.

There are an abundance of experiences that bring us abundant possibilities. Your thoughts create the scenarios for the experiences after the tragedy.

Were you triumphant or a victim of circumstances? What do you say?.

Most importantly, those experiences bring us back to the abundance of Love, which is the abundance from Most High God/Universe/Spirit...if you let them.

Abundance is in everything. Its time to tap in!! 

The first step is changing the mind set by understanding abundance...the next step is to put things in place to capture and protect our abundance. 

I offer guidance along the journey to an abundant healthy lifestyle. My programs allow you to learn Abundance, Self Love, Self Care and Inspiration to live the life you were meant to live. 

Join my next workshop, or Facebook Live, or send me an email or text message. I'm here to support you, on your mission and in your purpose.

Eat Well, Think Well, Live Well... Be4EverWell




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