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7 Tips to help you to Practice Emotional Self-Care

emotional health essential oils happiness health coach healthy life coach meditate mental moody physical well being rest self care self love spiritual awareness spiritual health stress wellness young living Jan 15, 2021

7 Tips to help you Practice Emotional Self Care 

As you know, Self-care is a term thrown around allot lately; promoting activities from Spa days to Manicures. In this I completely disagree. A spa day is a great experience and getting your nails done can boost your confidence. But for most women, its just grooming and relaxation. When I talk about self care, I'm referring to the small voice in your head, the self that is inside and not seen by the outside world. I'm talking about the time that you spend alone, and the thoughts that you think during the day. Is it positive self talk? or are you fueling your fears? How can we get out of our on way and embrace happiness and contentment?

How can we be happy?

Happiness can definitely seem elusive. But incorporating a few good habits can help you to maintain emotional balance and keep you smiling from the inside out on most days. Happiness is not an accident. We must incorporate positive methods to ensure that our vibe stays positive and happiness is within our grasp. Checkout these 7 tips that I've put together to help you practice emotional Self Care. 


Tip #1 Meditate

There are several different types of meditation. All of them have been found to increase mindfulness, reduce stress, and encourage feelings of satisfaction, peace and contentment. Deciding to take up Meditation is probably one of the best decisions that I've ever made. As it has taught me to operate with peace as my default. Today it really takes allot to push me off of my square.

Meditation and the state of mindfulness help people have fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression. Meditation has also been found to help people better tolerate their pain. People who meditate have been found to have greater positive emotions and self compassion. Try watching a guided meditation on you tube or join a Meditation Society


Tip #2 Be Grateful

Emotional Balance begins with being grateful. It means chosing your focus and time on the things that you appreciate. The goal is not to block out challenges and adversity, they happen no matter what. but the idea is to approach them with a different perspective. A perspective that serves you. and doesn't derail you. How can we operate in gratitude? We can create a daily gratitude list. Choose 3 experiences that you have each day.  Write a short paragraph detailing who you were with what was said, and how you think that the event manifested. This has been found by experts to boost people's moods and elevate their potential for more good days. Try this daily for a few weeks, and track what a difference it makes. After you have seen the shift, and to continue in that energy, you may want to implement writing a gratitude list out every full and new moon.


Tip #3 Get Moving

Physical Activity is vital for our immune system. Yes, that is what I said, movement is vital for our immune system. The lymphatic system takes impurities filtered from our blood and helps to eliminate toxins from our body. But unfortunately, the lymph system is a passive system which needs movement to get the toxins out. In addition, movement, not exercise, not only helps you to feel better in the short term, but also can boost our mood in the long run. Add a brisk walk to your routine, dance in the mirror, or try a weekly yoga class. Getting these movements in throughout the week can help you reap the emotional, physical, and mental health rewards.


Tip #4 Learn to Crochet

Nothing beats a hobby that makes you smile! Having a pursuit, and accomplishing it, brings us happiness. Seeing your finished project brings contentment. Some experts say that when we take part in activities that give us the right amount of challenge we receive great satisfaction. I love to garden, paint, I play the violin, I color, and yes I crochet. I find myself in the zone, where a meditative state comes over me and I remain in peace and joy while actively doing these things. You may want to try a new hobby or pick up and old one to find great pleasure and satisfaction in simple things.


Tip #5 Six Doctors

Sunshine, Rest, Clean Water, Fresh Air, Eating Right and Exercise.  These 6 things in concurrence with the tips that I have just shared with you, can benefit you in great ways. So lets go outside to let the sun shine on our skin. While in the sun, melanin begins to build and then production of Vitamin D begins. Melanin protects our DNA, and boosts our immune system. This then lifts our spirits and elevates our mood.

How many times have we heard that we will feel better if we just eat right and get adequate rest. Well its true. Think about how moody and out of sorts we are when we don't get adequate rest. Sleeping for at least 6 hours a night is paramount for a clear mind and balanced emotional states.  

Clean Water is a must! In recent years in nearby town Flint Michigan, the world was able to see what happens when a community does not have clean water. Being adequately hydrated with clean water helps to clear the cobwebs from our mind and helps us to detox toxins from our body. Hydration allows for cells to do their best work giving us the physical and mental energy we need to function day to day.

We all need to get out of the house and inhale some fresh air. Every cell in your body needs oxygen to survive. In fact we can live for over a month without food, and over a week without water, but in minutes, if we don't have oxygen, we die. Being inside of a stuffy house or apartment can lead to depression, so open the windows, clear out your space and inhale the new and exhale the old!! 

Although we mentioned the importance of diet, I want to use this space to talk about how what we eat has a direct effect on our mood. Think about enjoying a big steak dinner with mashed potatoes and asparagus. How do you feel after that meal... super full and slow, tired, irritable? But think about how you feel after a smoothie, regenerated, high on life, uplifted, energetic? Right!! Your mood can be determined by the energy that you take in through your food. Make a Food Journal. Write down what you eat everyday for 2 weeks, journal how the foods make you feel, emotionally and physically. You may find that the foods that you've chosen are responsible for your lack of emotional balance. 


Tip #6 Eat Good Food

Eat Good Food Everyday. Some people find this a challenge with so many mediatrix to get us to crave the deliciousness of junk food. I usually create a nutritional fast for my clients to kick-start their new eating habits. A habit is formed in 21 days, so we fast for 21 days. The fast isn't a starvation diet, but a nutritional boost and influx of natural whole foods and therapeutic essential oils. Not all essential oils are equal, so please do not take your essential oils internally unless instructed by a certified aromatherapist. While fasting with me, my clients experience a mental, emotional, spiritual and physical shift. After the 21 days are done, they have the resources that they need to continue in the lifestyle that we have created for them. You may check out my website for more information on Health Coaching, then answer a few questions and book a FREE SESSION with me. I look forward to supporting you.


Tip #7  Protect your Energy

We must learn true self love by only allowing ourselves to be around people who stimulate the best in us. Social interactions have such a high impact on our happiness. Through these interactions we receive a sense of connectedness value and wholeness. However only if you chose friends and family members who boost our sense of meaning, purpose and sense of well-being. We cant always escape the Debbie Downers in our lives, but remember to keep control of the conversation and limit your exposure to them. If ever you are in need of a pick me up, reach out to those positive people who you may not have heard from in a while. And Because Energy is reciprocal; I'm sure they will be happy to receive the pick me up as well. :-)


I hope these 7 tips help you to develop and practice emotional self-care which may bring a positive shift into your life. 

Peace and Love,

Rhonda, your Wellness Partner






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