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52 weeks of Self-Care-One

anxiety chakra blockages mental blockages new year self love spiritual awareness spiritual bath spiritual health stress vitality wellness Jan 01, 2021

Happy New Year!!

With 2020 being hindsight, we have definitely been through a vortex of change transformation, introspection, and freedom. To celebrate the growth that we all have experienced living through a pandemic, I put together 52 weeks of self care, This 52 week blog/Vlog will build up and give you multiple ways to take care of the most important person in your life. YOU! These blog entries are intended to help us use the information from last year to provide ourselves with the ultimate self-care using my tips for wellness. 

For the first week of the year, I want to bring our attention to Spiritual Baths. This is the easiest most effective way to shift your energy.

What's a Spiritual Bath? Well, its not just a bath, you know, being immersed in warm water where you use soap to cleanse your body. No A `spiritual bath’, is different.

A spiritual bath is a ritual – much like the ritual baths of ancient Egypt — that actually uplifts your spirit, cleanses your chakras, revitalizes your aura, and leaves you feeling more present, with clarity and peace . This spiritual renewal occurs not merely from the comfort of soaking in warm water, but from energies communicated by my powerful therapeutic essential oils, Dead sea Salts, natural herbs and crystals that I use in my bathwater.

Taking regular spiritual baths can help you reconnect spiritually with your higher self.  These baths also help to restore inner peace and harmony with yourself and with others. On a physical level these baths can help to prevent skin diseases, poor blood circulation and help to resolve sleep issues. They  promote feelings of calm, warmth and relaxation. While reducing feelings of stress, mental blockages and anxiety. With these baths you're able to increase spiritual awareness and self-love. This is an important part of your self-care, learning how to reset emotionally physically mentally and spiritually. Giving yourself Spiritual baths on a regular basis, is the ultimate demonstration of Self-Love.




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