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New Year Manifestation Ritual

Jan 01, 2022


Every first of January, people from across the globe celebrate with specific food, drinks, or activities to commence the year. These rituals are widely accepted and usually unchallenged by the community of which they are a part of.


On this day, my community is cooking black eyed peas, greens and meat. As it is tradition-i.e. a common ritual to cook these three foods to bring good luck into the new year. The Meat, traditionally pork is for prosperity. The greens are for money. And the black-eyed peas for luck.



It wasn't until this week on Facebook then I saw a post by Goddess Jennifer about Black Eyed Peas; the post stated that since the Black Eyed Peas haven't worked since 2018 going into 2019 so don't waste your time cooking those tomorrow. This post made me realize that black Americans have forgotten their power and that although we go through the motions of traditions passed down from our great grandmothers we don't know how powerful we are and therefore don't use these rituals to their highest benefit.


So as I type these words I am saddened as I am reminded of all the people across my city and across this state and across this country and across this globe who are eating this special meal. But without any purpose, and even their prayers don't address the power they have anymore.

So I intend to help us see ourselves as we were created. I see us putting purpose into everything that we do and really living a life where we're manifesting at every moment effortlessly and consciously because that's what we came here to do. The one percent know that and they've created this world around us for us to exist in it... while slowly over time taking away everything from us that teaches us that we can do the same thing-create the world around us for ourselves.

We actually already create our world. Lost under programming. I know that when we strive to operate at our highest potential and manifest in everything that we do, from cooking to cleaning to driving to working to laughing to taking care of family to having sex -all of it should be full of pure energy, all focused towards making that potential dream become real.

So when you're eating your Black-Eyed Peas today I want you to remember that you're eating luck and as you manifest luck, and vision and clarity in your life remember that it was your intent that you put into your food, and everything else that made it happen. Then while you're eating your ham hocks or your Turkey necks or whatever form of meat that you've used to flavor those beans with, remember that the meat is the best part of a sandwich and so as you eat the meat with your meal think of this year bringing you meaty yummy savory results. While enjoying your Collard greens imagining manifesting that green lol, the money you are expecting. Then take your cornbread and SOP up all of that juice and suck on it good and be reminded how juicy life is. And if you fry chicken with your meal let each crunch of deliciousness remind you of each step that you have to take to get to completion and that the journey could be really yummy.


But that's life, It could be bland and tasteless because you don't put any energy into it... like it's been a for a lot of us. Or you can make a delicious meal out of life. So manifest your reality and enjoy your little squishy eyeballs and enjoy manifesting during the days to come.

Until next time..

Namaste' Loves


This short article is an example of what I teach, and I am happy to share more. Join one of my master classes to dive deeper into living through our highest self and manifesting the world around us. We all manifest our reality, and its my pleasure to help you see how to manifest yours.

Goddess Rhonda



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